Monday 1 July 2013

Terry Pratchett Rules........................

The title of this post will be explained later :)

When I try to think of how to sum up the gaps between my posts, more and more I'm finding that although I've had a mixed week, this is becoming the norm.....a week of crappy days, mixed with less-crappy days....I guess it's good that there's some kind of 'normality'...just wish it was bit less of an up and down normality. I can't actually remember the last time I posted. Last week sometime I guess. I suppose I should check... *short pause, tinkly music playing* Right, I'm back. It was last Monday....ooooo lots has happened since then.... Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin (and a prize to the first person who can identify where that phrase is from)

Tuesday was a good day, spent catching up with my friend K who has seen me go through a lot. We have a great friendship and I'm lucky to know her. She's also 9 months pregnant, due any day...needless to say I am super excited and can't wait to get the text to say that baby has arrived and I can go and have snuggly cuddles. It was great to see her again, and to have a good catch up. I'm planning to take advantage of her being on maternity leave, and spend as much time with her as I can. Lucky K ;)

Thursday was, um, interesting. I noticed that there was something weird about Billy-cat's left front paw, and a closer look made me realise that he had, somehow, managed to step in some paint. I tried to get it off with baby wipes, which didn't work. So off we went to the vets, Billy most put out by being tricked into the carrier with the promise of treats, and deeply unhappy at being carried in a box. The vets were great, they tried to remove it, but no success. They told me that he'd probably have to be sedated, and quoted me over £100.... *gulp*... When they realised it was unaffordable, they tried very hard to get the paint off without sedation, but Billy was having none of it. So they (somehow) made the charge £45, Billy was sedated, and the paint (and his fur) removed.... His paw now resembles a, well I don't actually know what it resembles.....any thoughts?

Billy, after some fussing from A, soon forgave me, and is back to his normal self. I hope he's learnt his lesson though. Really don't want to go through that again.

A has been doing well at school recently. He loves to cook, I have no idea where he gets that from (his dad probably), and Thursday was the day he cooked at school. So I had the pleasure of a lovely macaroni cheese - it was delicious. Probably the nicest macaroni cheese I've had. Here's a picture (because I can)

So proud of him, and it's lovely to see his enthusiasm for, and pride in, his cooking. Makes me smile and he really deserves the praise he gets. It proves that he can work, and that positive reinforcement works well for him. I love seeing the happiness in his face when he realises that he has made something good, which people like.

One reason I haven't blogged for a while is that the weekend was tricky, and yet for some reason I didn't want to blog and preserve it in black and white forever. Now, I can't remember the specifics, and although I know it was tough, I also know that I got through it. I guess I don't want to be constantly moaning about crappy days, detailing them all and being a moaning minnie. It's not helpful to me and I don't see why you guys should put up with it. I have bad days. They're horrible whilst they're happening. But they do pass, and certain things help....which brings me to the title of this post.

I've recently been re-reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series and I'm loving it. I'd forgotten how amazing these books are, how they draw you in and take you away, make you laugh, make you chuckle in recognition as he skewers the world, particularly it more pompous citizens. Every book I read I am finding several paragraphs which make me go "yes", and giggle a lot. He has a talent for getting to the point, and making it funny. I'm reading them at night, and this has turned out to be an inspired decision. For some time now I've been having some bad dreams, waking nightmares, and insomnia - all of which have made me not want to go to bed. Since I've been reading the books I've been more keen to go, get into bed and read. Not only have they taken my mind off my fears, the dreams have lessened. Insomnia is still a problem, but I have that in cycles anyway, and there's not much I can do, worrying just makes it worse. At least I have something good to read when I can't sleep :)

I've also managed to make good progress with my dissertation. It's been hard going, very tiring staring at a screen, but I'm getting there. I'm finding my enthusiasm is coming back, and my confidence in what I'm writing is back as well. Which is a relief. I can't wait until my new desk arrives though, it's not easy (or comfy) writing whilst sitting on the sofa....Mum is coming down next week to help me tackle the jungle that is my garden, and is bringing a desk down for me... am so grateful... She's also going to be here to accompany me to my tribunal meeting for my ESA removal. It's a coincidence that the date they gave me is when she's here, but a fantastic one nonetheless. I'm so relieved. Not looking forward to it, but with mum here it will be much easier. Finally, thanks to some amazing friends, it looks as though I will be able to go the the second Annual Jack Marshall Brain Tumour Fund Ball in September. I'd thought I wouldn't be able to go (for various reasons), but now I can and I'm so pleased. It's on the 21st September, so it will be the perfect treat to celebrate completing my dissertation. I can't wait to see everyone again, and to stay at J's house (and see her lovely family again). Thanks to C for the lift as well..... Jack is still a huge part of my life, and to have missed out on this would have been hard. He is still my inspiration, and hero, and I'll never forget him. Raising funds and awareness is important to me....

Speaking of which: I am doing the Race for Life in a few weeks, and would be grateful for any sponsorship people can give. I'll share the details on my FB, or you can contact me via this blog if you'd prefer...

Right, it's Discworld time......

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