Tuesday 4 June 2013

A wonderful weekend

Well we're back from a lovely few days away with my parents in Birmingham. It was just what we both needed; a change of scenery, some back up (for me), some quality time with family (both of us), and a chance to relax (both of us).... It was good to take advantage of A having half-term (plus an extra day off for teacher training) and go up for a long weekend.... The journey is about 3 and a half hours on the train, and although it's not too bad, it is tiring. So having a full 3 days there (instead of 1) was great.

Friday was spent at the Black Country Living Museum which was just brilliant. My inner historian loved being able to see 19th century England in 'action'. The canal ride through the old mines was fascinating, if a bit scary at times, and because I borrowed one of my dad's walking sticks I was able to walk around for far longer than normally would. A loved it as well, especially riding on the old bus and tram. The weather was fantastic and for the first time in a long time I felt comfortable being out in public. For most of the time anyway.

Saturday we went over to my Aunt and Uncle's, picking my Nanna up on the way. I always love seeing them, and it was nice to have a catch up, and to relax in their posh new conservatory - not to mention that my Uncle is an awesome cook.... *drools*.... A enjoys cooking as well, and he had a great time helping prepare the lunch. I even managed to learn how to identify the birds which were fighting and feeding in their garden...well I say I learnt, more I just listened and promptly forgot...nature is not my strong point ;)

The rest of the time was spent just chilling out at the house, with A helping my mum out in the garden... He really seemed to enjoy himself and it was so nice to be able to relax and know that he was ok, not getting into trouble and that someone else was there to help me out with him. We both came back feeling refreshed, although the journey home was a teeny bit stressful (what with nearly missing the train to Portsmouth).... Having said that, it was nice to get home and the cats were pleased to see us - mind you they may just have thought that we were there to feed them on demand....

Actually last night reminded me of just why I love my kitties so much, and why they are so good for me. Purdy-cat had clearly missed me, and she just couldn't stop coming and head-butting me, wanting fussing and wanting to be with me. It's a comfort - however silly that may sound. Having her curled up, purring, with me is so relaxing and cheering. I do miss the cats when we go away.

I'm not feeling terribly inspired today, I was hoping to be writing about my first anxiety group meeting, but unfortunately I missed it. I set out to get there, only to find that roadworks on one of the main routes into the city centre meant that I wasn't going to be able to get there in time. Sigh. Although I was dreading going, it was worse to get all psyched up and then not be able to go. So the rest of the day has been a bit flat. I'm feeling low, but not horrendously so. More blah than anything else; I can't even get worked up over the ridiculous letter the DWP sent me declining my appeal of the decision to stop my ESA. I will write about that, because I need all the advice and help I can get. But not today. Hopefully tomorrow I will get more done, and will feel better.... Then I can pour out a nice long (entertaining) rant about the whole ESA mess... I bet you can't wait ;)

I'm off to fuss the kitties and watch telly...sometimes it's all a girl can do :)

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