Monday 28 May 2012

Ahhh that Monday feeling........

So today didn't start well....A decided that he really didn't want to go to school, he tried the "I don't feel well" tack, before switching to point blank refusal, accompanied by a tantrum. He's been so good recently that facing this attitude and behaviour was actually a shock. It was definitely a test of my patience and ability not to lose my temper, and I wasn't 100% successful. Sadly he is too big and strong for me to pick him up, put him over my shoulder and carry him in, but eventually, and thanks to the amazing support staff at his school, he did go in.Of course to complicate matters I was due to sign on first thing this morning. Fortunately the job centre understood and allowed me to go in later. Things picked up after that. The weather was lovely again and the cycle ride into town helped to de-stress me. For once the advisor at the job centre was nice, and didn't make me feel like scum for being on JSA, he also was interested in my studies and (again unusually) didn't see it as a problem. It never ceases to amaze me that so many JCP advisors can't see that my studies are a good thing. I'd still only be able to work part time anyway, but they always act like I'm either trying to pull a fast one, or have ideas above my station...I know that I'm receiving government money but that doesn't mean I deserve to be sneered at. I must have applied for in excess of 150 jobs in the last year, and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of replies I've had. Now I realise that companies must get hundreds of applications for each job, but I'm sure that they could set up some form of auto email to politely say 'thanks but no thanks'. It would make all the difference. Ah well...

I had a lovely time with Maureen (author of the book I recommended yesterday), she spontaneously helped me to clarify the plan for my MA dissertation. It's a relief because although I know what I want to do, sometimes it's hard to get the exact plan set down. Then another nice bike ride home, a trundle round Tesco - including a run in with the worlds grumpiest woman who could see nothing wrong with leaving her trolley in the aisle whilst she disappeared off to fetch something from another aisle...and who then got cross with me for not moving out of her way fast enough....not sure she was happy that I saw the funny side....

However, I did manage to stick to the diet, not even sneaking in some cheap chocolate at Tesco. So yay for me. Every day that I manage to stick to my eating goals is a bonus, and although I'm finding that temptation is more of a problem as time passes, I'm pleased that so far my aims are keeping me going. So, those aims - well I've signed up to do the Race For Life on the 22nd July in Southsea (feel free to come down and support me), and then hopefully the 5k Great South Run (ahem, walk) in October before the big one - the 10k Great Manchester Run (WALK) next May. Why have I done that....well apart from wanting to lose weight and get fit? Two reasons - Jack 'Jackamo' Marshall and Joseph 'JoBo' Bowen. Two brave little boys who have inspired me so much over the last year.

Jack had a brain tumour, he was diagnosed at the age of 4, and he passed away on the 13th October 2011. Those are the basic facts, but Jack was about so much more than that - he loved Manchester United and when he met Wayne Rooney he gave him a kiss. Manchester United get a bad press sometimes but their actions towards Jack show just what a caring club they can be. Jack learnt to walk again after his operation(s) by kicking a ball given to him by Sir Alex. I can't do Jack justice here, so I urge you all to go and visit his website ( and look at his Facebook page (Jack Marshall Brain Tumour Fund)... Jack was running, and singing Queen songs even as he underwent chemo, and if he can do that then I can certainly lose weight and get fit. Jack's smile is infectious - I can't look at it without smiling. He really does inspire me, as he inspires so many - oh, and when you see me saying muppeT - that's Jack inspired...and it's a compliment, really it is...

Joseph lives locally to me and he has Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Again, there's more to JoBo than his illness - for example he LOVES jaffa cakes and is able to find them however well they are hidden. JoBo also smiles a lot, and is a whirlwind of laughter and mild destruction. His mum writes a fantastic blog ( which I definitely recommend. Again, this little man reminds me everyday that no matter what, I can pick myself up and keep going. I'm waiting for the day when I get to have some JoBo squeezes of my very own..

I will be raising funds for both of these brave boys during my walks. Cancer charities will always be close to my heart because I have lost loved ones to this horrid disease. For all my bellyaching over being fat (pun intended) I know that my experience is nowhere near to the horror which Jackamo and JoBo's parents go through every day. I can't imagine how I'd feel if A was diagnosed with cancer. I'd want to lose weight anyway, so I figured that if I can get something good out of it, why not? Hence the walks and the fund-raising.

Right....that's it for tonight folks.... thanks for reading :)

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