Thursday 24 May 2012

Phew what a scorcher.............

You can tell I'm British, I'm going to mention the's been incredibly hot and humid here, which given that I've had to work on the laptop all day hasn't been fun... Leather sofas are great - until this kind of weather, at which point they turn into a torture device - you get hot and sweaty, it makes you sleepy and then finally you fall face down on the keyboard and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - sigh.... ah well, I love the sunshine and at least tomorrow I can get out and about... I have to hand in my dissertation proposal, plus a couple of my friend's proposals as well. Then I'm off to have lunch and a catch up with J, who's a new friend but already a great friend - you know when you just 'click' with someone... I'm so looking forward to it... I know I should be cross that A has a detention (tut tut) for being late to school twice this week... Frankly it serves him right, because I spend an hour and half every morning nagging him/persuading him to get up, eat breakfast, get dressed and go to school...and he's STILL late...argghhhh... On the plus side it means more time with J, so it's not all bad.

The diet is still going well, although having just had a row with A (normal teenage attitude related spat), I'm fighting the urge to go and buy chocolate... Sometimes wearing manky old clothes has advantages - I'm not likely to leave the house displaying my undies through the hole in my leggings and I can't be bothered to get changed...result, no chocolate...which is good... Didn't make it out on my bike today, sadly, as I left the writing of my dissertation proposal to the last minute and then found it took longer to blag, I mean write, than I thought it would... Tomorrow is the day for catching up on that as looking forward to it..

I find that biking and walking are helping me in all sorts of ways. Not only am I feeling (and hopefully getting) fitter, but I'm working through things which are stressing me out. For example, A is really in that Kevin the Teenager, of Harry Enfield show fame, stage and frankly it's driving me nuts (ok, more nuts than I was already). Sometimes I wonder who is the parent, because he is not backward about telling me what to do..I can get sucked down the rabbit hole of justification until I suddenly realise, hold on a minute what am I doing... He's definitely trying his luck at the moment, with both his Dad and I. As we're separated, it makes it hard to co-ordinate and make sure we're on the same page as it were, but we're making the effort so I guess that's something. To be honest, we do agree on  things, the issue is getting hold of each other to advise what's happened and the outcome/punishment., I guess I'm fortunate in that we're still friendly and (at the moment) not wanting to scratch each other's eyes out.  Still, when A is having a paddy I do wonder whether I'm a bad mum for wanting to run far, far away.... answers on a postcard

Ok, enough for now. I need to go and eat some lemon nom nom (and it's low fat)..and relax...

Enjoy the sunshine :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't envy you dealing with teenagers. I'm an old fashioned gal I'd just beat him up ha ha. Been working on the plan for you it's looking good but will need to add some piccies of myself I'm afraid so you know what I am on about.

    I am working in the garden today :) happy!

    Have a good day. Enjoying your blog X
