Monday 15 October 2012

Fun weekend....

First of all, a couple of corrections from the last entry.....I have been reminded that A is not the first great-grandchild to overtake my Nan in height, of course my cousin T's children have already done so...apologies and all that.....and I have also been asked to point out (emphatically, I believe) that even without the aid of high heels Auntie L is *still* taller than I said to him, it won't be long before he's taller than all of us (well most of us...).....

So yeah, the was good.....The train journey up was suitable stressful, well the first part was anyway - the gap between trains in Southampton is always tight, this time it was positively squeaky as there had been a signalling problem near London (or as Uncle A said, some toe-rag had nicked the signal wires)...for once I was grateful that the train up to Brum was also delayed....anyway, we made it... Even managed a nice relaxing evening.... Saturday morning was spent with A buying some helium balloons to release in remembrance of Jackamo...we attached notes to them, giving the website and asking people to check it out....then we went outside and sent them up into the was emotional, as was reading the FB page many people who have been affected by Jack....

One good thing about my parents moving up to Birmingham is that when we go up to visit, we get to see other family members....there were 11 of us at lunch on Saturday and it was fantastic to see everyone...I love my family dearly, and wish I lived closer - it would be lovely to see them more often....I have to admit that there are times when I seriously consider moving up to Brum - only the fact that A's dad lives down here stops me....Anyway, the time I spent with them on Saturday was a tonic...lots of laughter.... My cousin is getting married next year, and I can't wait...especially now I've seen a pic of the location (and heard more of the plans) - don't want to give anything away but suffice it to say that it should be a wonderful day....

When everyone had left, I curled up on the sofa with a book...and promptly fell asleep....well, I was tired....whilst I was asleep my darling dad, encouraged by my beloved son, took a picture of me and then posted it on FB...thanks Dad....I will get you back, when you least expect it *evil grin* ... Saturday evening was lovely, mum, dad and A played board games, whilst I chilled out, then dad put some Buddy Holly on (love Buddy Holly) and we all chilled...was so relaxing and so nice just to be together and ok.... sadly, the chilled out feeling didn't last as later on, when A and I had gone to bed he spotted a spider on his duvet and practically leapt across both beds screaming - the spider ended up being flung against the opposite you may gather both A and *hate* the ol' heart was going like the clappers for quite a while - it took me ages to get to sleep.....and I kept thinking I had spiders crawling on me...sigh

Sunday meant travelling home again, albeit after a bit more time with mum and dad....the journey home wasn't too bad, but both A and I were exhausted and in bed at 9pm....yawn.....

Which brings me to today....and another soul destroying experience with the Jobcentre...signing on went ok (although they seemed to be slightly confused and somewhat peeved by the fact that I was early)...but then I asked about why my JSA was still suspended...and promptly descended down the rabbit hole...first of all I was told (surprise surprise) that the people at the call centre should have been able to tell me what was going on....then he decided that I'd have to speak to someone else, three desks along....she looked up various things on her computer and noted that I'd missed a meeting at Maximus (work program people), which I had but which I'd already sorted; I'd also missed a sign on, but for some bizarre reason they had it down as 1st October...when I pointed out to her that I'd signed on that day (showed her the signature etc.) she didn't seem too bothered...which annoyed me, I know what they're like - once it's on their computer system, it's true whether it bears any resemblance to reality or not... I foresee problems ahead regarding that, but maybe I'll be wrong... Anyway, cutting a very long story short - it seems that I needed to see a man who wasn't in today (gasps with shock), so I have to go back tomorrow at 2pm....I wasn't at all shocked to be told that he should have contacted me several weeks ago - but hasn't.... So, it's back down the rabbit hole tomorrow.... fingers crossed that I'll get somewhere....if not I'm contacting my MP and the CAB...

Tomorrow is a big day - A has his Camhs appointment at 10am...and it's really needed...His behaviour at school has deteriorated massively... I had a long talk with him at the weekend, a good talk because he was calm and listened and asked intelligent questions..I hoped that what I'd said had sunk in, but it seems that it hasn't...He was sent out of class for being rude to the teacher, then when he was in IE he ended up telling the teacher in charge that he was "well harsh", as well as swearing and throwing books around - upshot is, he's in IE all day tomorrow, although I'm not sure what time he'll get into school....sigh sigh sigh....  The school rung A's dad, not sure why they didn't ring me, but there you go... Anyway, when A got home, I let him know that I knew, but I was calm about it...until he told me what he'd said to the teacher in IE - then I just couldn't believe how stupid he'd been,...what did he think would happen when he said that??? He seems to have no conception of the consequences of his words, it's as if the fact that he thinks it, is enough to make it ok to can tell him that it's wrong, and he'll get that but when it comes to the situations, he just doesn't seem to engage that internal filter we all have, which stops us saying stupid/rude things....his attitude is that, well the teacher was (in his opinion) being harsh, so he told him if that was a totally reasonable thing to do.... I was so stunned I just told him how stupid that was, that he's a clever boy and he should know better... Fingers crossed that Camhs have something to help us...I don't know how much more of this I can take...he will be expelled at this rate.... Thankfully his behaviour at home has been ok, but he's been having more of the hyper episodes, where he will behave hysterically and repetitively - talking in silly voices, bouncing around, throwing things - all in a repetitive, compulsive way.... it's weird and very frustrating as I just have to let him get bored and tired, he won't stop's as if he's drunk (he's not)... There's a lot riding on this Camhs appointment tomorrow....

So there we are....big day tomorrow, so I'm off to bed.....

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