Wednesday 27 June 2012

Dear Life, please stop dumping on me......

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who read my last post and to those who have given support and advice...It's really much appreciated. It's really nice to be reminded that, unlike what some people would like to have me believe, being on JSA doesn't make me a second class citizen. The fact that the person at the job centre could so casually tell me to give up my MA still rankles. As does that fact that she informed me that I may/probably/possibly/could have to pay back my "undeserved" benefit...well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Am trying to be calm and collected about this. Even though I want to rage and scream and cry.... 

Anyway, am sorry for the absence of a post yesterday. I went to Winchester for a research trip and then when I got back I had to deal with A (more on that later). It was a tiring day yesterday. I spent several hours trying to decipher 19th century handwriting in the Minute Books of the Aldershot Board of Health - looking for any mention of prostitutes and/or the Contagious Diseases Act - ah I *love* I would have posted an example of the writing but as I took a picture one of the members of staff asked me in a loud and shocked voice "are you taking a photo", well, yes I was, I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to (the National Archives allow it without any problem)....Gosh, you'd have thought I was trying to deface the book - she was not happy....I felt as though I was a 5 year old being told off by a teacher...mind you once I saw the price of a photography permit I understood why she was so annoyed......£12.50!!!!! That's a nice little earner.... And yes, I know I'm accessing the archives for free, and that they need money to keep going BUT these records are donated for free, access is free (as it should be), and I don't know whether copyright  applies but I'd be surprised if it did. Anyway, I had an interesting day......not so much mention of my, um, topic - which did surprise me. Mind you, I'm pretty sure that I can work that lack of evidence into some form of argument within my dissertation.....I hope so anyway....

The last couple of days have been really tricky regarding A. I can't say much now, as I'm trying to process it all. Suffice it to say that there are some serious issues which need resolving and which I need to be on top of...Life is difficult at the moment, and I am so grateful for the support and help I've had from friends and family.... Right now I'm conscious of the fact that I have a dissertation to write, but I know that to do this I will need to be healthy (physically and mentally) and A's problems have to be in hand/under control. It's a messy situation at the moment in many ways, but I'm hopeful that it will be resolved and that things will be ok. I'm going to be taking professional advice over the next couple of days, let's hope that they're truly able to help us. 

Right, it's late here and I need to sleep....  I'm sorry this is so short but events have rather overtaken me. Things are calm now, and sleep will help..... thank you again for all your support, it is really appreciated...

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