Friday 8 June 2012

Goodnight sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest....

The above quote is resonating strongly with me today, for two reasons....first of all I saw Hamlet performed yesterday, and secondly because of Jack Marshall....

Watching the Globe on Tour - Hamlet at the Theatre Royal Portsmouth was absolutely fantastic. I've never seen Shakespeare performed on stage before and I am hooked. I'll definitely be going again. I'd recommend going to see this performance if you can. The cast are amazing, as apart from the actor playing Hamlet they all play several roles as well as moving scenery as needed. Even the way they did that (scenery moving) was lovely, as they made it into a dance/choreographed movement... The actor who played Polonius (along with other parts) had a very Brian Blessed style of voice and was just brilliant.. I really had the best night and am so grateful to K that she treated me to it, as it was just what I needed... I now want to see Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth...and I'm hoping that when I go to London for research next week, that I'll be able to find time to go and see the Globe Theatre itself..

At the end of the play, when Hamlet dies and Horatio speaks those words above, I had a lump in my throat - not just because of the fabulous acting but because it made me think of Jack. Not that that's unusual, but I was struck by the way they sum up how I felt when he died. I never got to meet Jack in person but I can tell you that it is possible to truly miss someone you've never met. Ever since his parents began sharing his story with the world last year, and my friend C introduced me to his twitter and Facebook pages, I've followed the updates. Every morning I'd log on and catch up with how Jack was, every evening I'd look at the latest pics and videos, and read the messages from Jack and his family as well as his army. His bravery and cheeky smile inspired me every day..if he could run whilst having chemo, and learn to walk again by kicking a football, if he could sing Queen songs when he was so poorly and do a perfect dance to Travis 'Selfish Jean' (check out the video on you tube, it's brilliant) then I could make the effort to do the little things which can so often seem overwhelming. When I was on holiday I still checked in every day and gradually Jack (and his family and his army) became more and more part of my life. A also began to follow him, and to be inspired by him. Even though I knew Jack wasn't going to make it, somehow his smile and his determination seemed to be stronger than anything and I hoped against hope that a miracle would happen. Sadly, that was not to be. I can still remember the moment I found out he'd died. I'd come back from A's first parents evening on the 13th October, and we were both happy as he'd had excellent reports. I put my laptop on to update my statues on Facebook and (as always) checked out Jack's page. With a sinking heart I read the beautifully written, but terribly sad statement which announced that Jack had passed away in his mother's arms at 11am that morning. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried, for Jack and for his family. The next week I sat and watched online as his funeral took place. The tributes to Jack were amazing and his family's bravery was frankly astounding. It wasn't until I saw Hamlet, however, that I truly felt I'd found a way of expressing the way I've felt since Jack died. He was so brave, so kind, so cheeky, so inspirational - and yes, now he's at peace with the angels, so the quote at the start of this blog is, in my eyes, hugely appropriate...of course if the angels were singing Queen then I'm pretty sure that Jack would join in..and rightly so....

Jack has left a legacy which all of us in Jack's Army are proud to carry on. His family lead the way, continually raising awareness of brain tumours by whatever means available. Whether it be an auction, a ball, a football match, walking 10k, or just buying one of the t-shirts, bands, key-rings or bands, the goal is to raise awareness and also funds for newer, better treatments so that other families don't have to go through this. My friends will know that I wear the bands, have the key-ring, use the bag and now wear the t-shirt...and now you know why...if I haven't already bent your ear about it that is. Jack was 6 when he died. It breaks my heart that he's not here with his family. But he taught me that life can be lived well, no matter what you go through. It's a lesson I try to remember every day. So thank you Jack.

Rest in Peace Jackamo, always missed and never forgotten.... keep twinkling sweetheart


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