Friday 15 June 2012

London called....again.....

First of all, an apology for not blogging yesterday..I know you missed I was going to, but then I kinda fell asleep on the sofa and only woke up enough to stagger up to bed....on the plus side I'm nice and awake today even after my trip to London

Today was a good day.....I got an earlier train, which was nice because (surprisingly) it wasn't as busy even though it was still technically in the rush hour... Walking back into the archives was good, and not just because it was raining I knew where I was going and what I was doing (haha) and so I was able to just get on with the searching and researching.... I'm so pleased because I managed to find some real gems in terms of documents for my dissertation... I also found the original documentation, including an original of the Pall Mall Gazette, for the W.T Stead 'Maiden Tribute to Modern Babylon' case... For those of you aware of 19th century history, this was their version of a tabloid sting, and it is clear from reading the letters that the authorities were desperate to charge Stead with something, and in the end they did. For those of you who aren't aware of this case, here is a link - it's fascinating to read about and I'd recommend it... 

Anyway, I worked really hard and managed to get through all the documents I'd marked as vital... I even had time to witness some 'camera stand rage'...yes really... one person waiting is, apparently, a queue (only in Britain) and there were some nasty, albeit passive-aggressive, scenes when those already using the cameras were, ahem, encouraged to hurry After all that excitement I decided to treat myself to a cuppa and a piece of cake...yummy yummy..

I ordered a yoghurt as well, trying to be healthy .. but it tasted VILE... so I threw it away... Honestly, why does healthy yoghurt sometimes taste so bad....It's a mystery

Coming home was fun... Travelling in the rush hour brings out the worst in me...I sat in the train at Waterloo, waiting to leave and amusing myself by watching the people running for the train...the closer it got to departure time, the more panicky their running became and the funnier it was....sadly no one fell over (I know I know, I'm mean)..... On the down side the train was packed and I do so hate having to sit squashed against other people... Mind you I was able to read over the shoulder of the lady sitting next to me (yes, I know, bad of me etc. etc.) and thus discovered that she was in a dilemma over who to offer a job to, the person earning £73k with company car who needed 3 months notice, or the person earning £60k with a company car but only needing 1 months notice... all I could think was I'll do the job for £50k and a new bike ... lol.... Sadly she had to leave the train at Guildford so I'll never know who got the job... ahh well, such is life.....

On arriving home, after an invigorating bike ride home, I discovered that the cats had managed to break into the kitchen and had eaten the piece of chicken I'd left to thaw - I'd hidden it under a saucepan - that and the bag it was in were on the floor.... Needless to say I wasn't impressed and the cats were severely told off....I just hope that they don't get sick from eating raw chicken....

So that was my day...all in all a good one.. I don't feel bad for having had some cake as a treat, and that's a result because it's happened before... I'm nicely exhausted and looking forward to having a day off tomorrow.... It's the weekend and I'm going to enjoy it... Hope you all do too 


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