Tuesday 19 June 2012

Staying positive....

So yesterday I forgot to blog, I only realised when I was all tucked up in bed...sorry about that. On the plus side, yesterday was a good day - J came over and we had a good catch up, oh and she told me that it looked like I'd lost weight...yippeeeeee... Looking back, I guess I probably wouldn't have had much to say yesterday so there we go. I like days like that....which today certainly wasn't.... **please note none of the rants included in here are directed at people reading the blog, I'm just ranting generally (and at JCP employees specifically)**

This morning I realised that I hadn't opened all the post from yesterday, so rather than filing it and forgetting about it, I actually opened it then...only to find that the DWP/Job Centre Plus have decided that they are going to 'investigate' my claim for JSA and that whilst they do so, I won't get my JSA. Now, that is fair enough you may think, except that what they are 'investigating' is something they've known about since I first signed on, it has been discussed several times over the year and the problem has arisen because of their inability to have any flexibility in the rules. Once again tho, they can do what they like and Aiden and I are the ones to suffer...and yes, we will because without my JSA I can't feed him or pay the bills. Basically it seems that they cannot understand how post-grad education works. They have, rightly so, a rule that if you're a full time student you can't get JSA (because how can you be a job seeker if you're in college/uni all the time). However most undergrads either work, or get full loans/grants (as I did) so that's not too bad. Once you get to post grad level however not only does the funding dry up, but the f/t and p/t thing also changes. A full time MA simply means that it's done over one year, not two - and all that means is that I have to do my dissertation over the summer. Those who do it over 2 years have the same teaching attendance as I did (so same hours) this year but do their dissertation over the second year. Given that the DWP classifies ft/pt on hours it is really annoying to be having to point this out to them again. They've already had a letter from the Uni to tell them how many hours I had to attend for seminars etc. and I've not even got to attend that now... I think that they also assume that I'm getting funding of some sort, I've told them repeatedly when I've been asked, that no I don't and I've provided proof of that. Yet this is still happening. 

The fact is that being on the MA has saved my sanity this year and has made no difference to my need or desire to get a job. I'd only work part time anyway, because of A, and I've applied for over 200 jobs to date...it's as if they think that if they stop my JSA or if I wasn't doing the course, I'd magically get a job...it's ridiculous and hurtful and really really stressful.. I'm so sick of people assuming that I'm on JSA for a laugh, for a con or something like that... The fact is that without it, A and I can't live. Simple as that. It pays my bills and buys us food. When I worked, and hopefully I'll get a job again soon, I had no problem with paying for benefits out of my taxes - I think that the measure of a country can often be seen in the way in which it looks after those who need it. I'm well aware that people do cheat the system but I don't see that as reason to deny those who are genuinely in need. Being on JSA doesn't mean you just get given money - you have to apply for jobs and prove it. And now I've been on it for a year, I have to go on a work program which will help me get a job. The fact that I think I don't need that help is neither here nor there, I have to do it to get my JSA and to be able to provide for A, and so I will... Trust me, if I could manage without JSA and the attendant humiliations, then I would. But I can't. And so tomorrow I'll be back on the phone trying to get my advisor at the JCP to ring me so that I can sort this out. Right now I have a knot of tension and fear in my stomach and a lump in my throat. I'm close to tears. People who sneer at those on benefits should realise that we're people too, we're doing our best for our family's and that they don't know the nuances of each situation. I've been told today that it's common knowledge that students don't get JSA - which is wrong. Undergrads don't - they're classed as full time, but anything other than that can - the key issue is full or part time study. I'm not doing anything I'm not allowed to do and I have never lied to the JCP about my course - I've often discussed it with whoever was signing me on, often because they were interested in my course. I'd rather not be on JSA and I hate the fact that being on it apparently means that to sneer and look down on me is allowed and acceptable. 

I did hear something today which reminded me I'm not alone in dealing with ignorant people at the DWP - a friend who applied for DLA for her son was told that they were going to write to the school to check that he still had Downs syndrome.....yes, really....it's is truly scary that people that stupid are allowed to be in charge of things which are so important to people's lives....

Ok, I need to go and calm down now.. I'm sorry this has been such a ranty and depressing post. I'll try to be more cheerful tomorrow.... much love to you all (unless you work for the DWP/JCP in which case, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...lol)

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