Monday 4 June 2012

It's a Bank Holiday weekend - bring on the rain

So a few days have passed since I last blogged...sorry about that, I know you've all missed me terribly ;-)

I've had a lovely weekend...Saturday was spent going for a bike ride with A, and then spending the afternoon/evening with friends.... The bike ride was fun, we rode down to the seafront, along and then back up to J's house. Going along the seafront was, um, interesting as the wind was so strong that I'm sure we were almost going backwards at one point. It was lovely though, the sun was shining and even the wind didn't spoil the view and the ride. We will definitely be doing it again. The afternoon/evening was fantastic, with the kids spending some time in the paddling pool - until they got too cold, and then watching England beat Belgium...cycling home in the rain wasn't as much fun...I really needed windscreen wipers for my glasses...

Today A and I cycled to Southsea seafront and met up with some Jack's Army friends...A loves seeing them because one of them shares his birthday, he considers them to be birthday twins..albeit she will be 18, and he will be 13. It's amazing how many good friends I've made through being part of Jack's Army. When we first met in person, it was as if we'd known each other for ages. I'm well aware of the perils of the internet but I think that it's the people who present the problem. If someone is going to be fake then they'll be fake in real life - the internet just makes it easier for them to find victims. I've been affected several times by people lying, especially about terminal illnesses, and it does hurt. However the down side is far outweighed by the fabulous, genuine people I have met.

Speaking of fabulous people, J and her daughters are going to be joining me on the Race For Life on 22nd July at Southsea, raising money for Jack's Fund (I'm also raising for Cancer Research and Joseph Bowen's CLIC Sargent fund) cool is that... I was happy to do it on my own but it's going to be great to have company and I'm super impressed that the girls want to join us....Meanwhile the boys will watch us/cheer us on/provide us with drinks etc. It's going to be a good one... I can't wait.

As I write this I'm watching a program about scary airports - and there's one in the Caribbean where it's next to the beach, and people hang onto the fence at the end of the runway and get blown by the power of the jet engine...scary but there's a part of me which would just love to do that. I am a bit of a closet plane that I love being at the airport and watching planes land and take off... There's something about it which is exciting, well I think so anyway...hmmm, memo to self, visit this island (Martinique/St Martin??) and hang off a fence....I wouldn't jump out of a plane but I'd definitely hang off a fence in a jet blast....not quite sure what that says about me ;)

Speaking of jumping out of a plane, my friend's boyfriend Nathan is jumping out of one to raise money for Joseph Bowen's CLIC Sargent fund... he needs to raise £345... It's for an amazing cause and I'm hugely impressed because, as I said, I wouldn't jump out of a scares me silly. What a fab bloke, please please (if you can) sponsor him... the just giving page is and any amount will (I know) be very gratefully received. Thank you :)

Am still managing to stick to my diet, I have a bar of dairy milk broken up into chunks in the freezer, because then if I get really desperate for chocolate I can have one chunk and it will take ages to melt in the mouth, hopefully satisfying the craving. So far I've not touched it. I think about it sometimes but then I decide that no, I don't really want chocolate. I'm trying to snack on fruit and so far it's working. But I know this will change. The best thing is that I feel thinner and I feel fitter. On Saturday I cleaned the house, then went for a 45 min bike ride - I'd never have had the energy for that a month or so ago. I've found a dress which I've not worn for years and I'm hoping/aiming to get into it for my cousin's wedding on the 30th. If I don't then fair enough but I'm giving it my best shot.

Tomorrow I will have to focus on the reading for my amended PhD proposal, and so a fairly sedentary day is planned. I will make sure that I go for a walk/ride at some point tho - am just hoping that the weather is nice enough for a decent outing. If not I foresee a 5 min walk to Tesco's and back again...ah well, better than nothing.

I've just noticed that Molly-cat has a huge (large marble size) lump on the right side of her jaw. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, but I noticed yesterday that she was eating in a weird way so I'm guessing that this is why. If only tomorrow wasn't a bank holiday but I will be taking her to the vets first thing on Wednesday. Am hoping that it's just an ulcer or mild infection. She's currently curled up (head resting on the side with the lump - does that mean it's not painful?) asleep. I feel slightly sick, because we've already lost Pilchie-cat this year and Molly is very much A's cat - although I love her very much. I really hope she's ok. The alternative is something I don't want to think about.

Right, I'm off to watch some telly and fuss the cats..... Enjoy the bonus bank holiday :D

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