Monday 16 July 2012

What day is it again? Oh yes....Monday... *sigh*....

I'm only half joking with the title of this entry you know....I have a cold starting and my head feels as though it is stuffed with cotton wool....not good when I've got masses of work to do.... Also, it's not much fun being a snot producing machine...but there you go.... 

A went off to see the Olympic Torch pass through Portsmouth this morning....he seemed to enjoy it, and his Dad took some pics which I shall steal, I mean borrow, as soon as he puts them on Facebook.... A was even more impressed with the fact that he didn't have to be in school until 10am...and even then he wasn't keen to go in.... I braced myself for a longer fight but he did give in fairly quickly and as far as I know he was in on time.... I then went back to sleep for a bit, before having lunch and talking to my mum for the first time in nearly a week.... Then I did some housework...yay so not the most productive of days in terms of uni work but at least I've achieved something....

I'm feeling better in myself (cold apart) which is also good.... The weekend did me so much good, it was amazing just how settled and at home I felt at R's house and being with such lovely people was a tonic....It did me good to be able to talk to my friends, and to be supported and accepted.... R's daughters are fabulous, and she's right to be proud of them....I'm very much looking forward to going to Scunthorpe in September and meeting the rest of the gang... I just have to find myself a princess dress for under £50 now....oh dear.... lol

The weather has been appallingly crap again.....stupid gulf stream going off course - bet it was using google maps ... I'm really hoping we get summer weather soon, I want to get out on my bike and get more exercise but it's so hard to motivate myself when the rain is pouring down....even the cats don't want to go out when it's like that....

Now it's time for the polite request for you know I'm doing the Race for Life on Sunday (if you're in Southsea at 11:30, then please come down and cheer us on) and I'd love for all you lovely readers to sponsor me... There's a choice of three recipients for the sponsorship and it's up to you which one you choose (or all three if you're really feeling generous)....

Firstly Jack's Fund for Jack Marshall -

Secondly Joseph Bowen's Clic Sargent fund for Jobo - 

Thirdly the official Cancer Research/Race for Life page - 

All of these causes are so incredibly close to my heart that I can't choose one over the other.... Jackamo continues to inspire me every day, his parents are so amazingly brave and I will always be there to support them. Joseph is fighting so hard right now, and he's so cheeky and smiley that it's hard to believe (as it was with Jackamo) that he's so poorly... And Cancer Research does such amazing work that one day I'm sure they will make a break through.... So, there you go... I know times are tough right now, and I'm not asking for masses of money but if you can sponsor me then I'll be very very grateful and I know which ever option you choose, the recipient will also be pleased....  

Right, I have to go and explain to A the fact that he really has to go to bed and stop playing around.... I'm off to bed as well.... Night all :) x

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